Tandartspraktijk Hoefstraat in Tilburg

Welcome to Dental Clinic Hoefstraat | Tilburg

We are a team of dental professionals located at the Padua Medical Center in Tilburg. Our mission is to provide excellent dental care and to be a comfortable dental “home” for families, international students and expats.

Our team pays special attention to children, the elderly and patients with dental anxiety. Dental Clinic Hoefstraat is a full-service dental practice. We specialize in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with MRA/MRD Anti-Snoring therapy. Our practice is open in the evenings on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Tandartspraktijk Hoefstraat | Tilburg | MRA beugel

Dental Clinic Hoefstraat in Tilburg is specialized in the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) with MRA/MRD Anti-Snoring therapy.

We work closely together with your health insurance and our partners SomnoMed, SomnoDent and Vivisol to provide excellent care. You can sign up for MRA-therapy after a sleep study of in case or snoring. Snoring may be associated with the sleep disorder OSA.

Teeth whitening involves bleaching your teeth. It can lighten the existing colour of your teeth to a brilliant white smile. Dental Clinic Hoefstraat whitens your teeth safe and comfortable under the supervision of a dentist. We use Philips Zoom! or Opalesence PF whitening products to achieve optimal results.

Stralend witte tanden met Philips Zoom
MijnAndersnota.nl is het debiteurenportaal van Anders Medical Factoring.

Anders Medical Factoring sends the invoices for Dental Clinic Hoefstraat. Anders MF is a digital company. That’s why they prefer to send your invoices by e-mail. Login and manage your invoices on MijnAndersnota.nl.